Maģīstra darbs „Rūdolfs Šteiners: interpretācijas „trešais ceļš” pievēršas Latvijas akadēmiskajā vidē mazāk pētīta austriešu izcelsmes filozofa un mistiķa Rūdolfa Šteinera (1861-1925) personībai un idejām. Darba mērķis ir iezīmēt to intelektuālo un kultūrvēsturisko kontekstu, kurā vislabāk ir iespējams uztvert un saprast viņa atstāto mantojumu. Darbs sastāv no trīs daļām: biogrāfiska ieskata Šteinera ideju ģenoloģijas procesā, ieskata viņa ideju recepcijas mūsdienu pētniecībā aspektos, un atsevišķu viņa tekstu, kas veltīti viņa radītās antropozofijas identitātes jautājumiem, analīzes. Darba gaitā tika secināts, ka Šteinera domāšanu ir ietekmēkuši trīs nozīmīgākie strāvojumi: vācu romantisms, vācu ideālisma filozofija un 19. gs. teozofiskās...
L’originalité de la pensée de Rudolf Steiner, née dans la mouvance de la société théosophique est d’...
Why did Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), a Goethe scholar and a doctor of philosophy, became initiated in...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) foi um filósofo, jornalista e educador. Atualmente seu nome está associad...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil prikazati, kakšen pomen imajo prevodi knjižnih del utemeljitelja moder...
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá filosofickým dílem rakouského myslitele Rudolfa Steinera (1861-...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest życie i dzieło Rudolfa Steinera austriackiego filozofa, reformatora społec...
66 s. +CD ROMTato práce se zabývá fenoménem duchovní vědy neboli anthroposofie, jejímž zakladatelem ...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) did not put himself forward as the teacher of any new religion or sect. ...
Accès au texte intégral réservé aux membres de l’université de LorraineThe originality of Rudolf Ste...
The present work deals with the life of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner and his childish que...
The work of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) influenced a number of fields in Ger...
The thesis tackles the issue of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophic thought system in the context of Chr...
The aim of this article is to clarify what Rudolf Steiner’s followers thought of him at the time of ...
International audienceThe Theosophical Society, founded in New York in 1875, was, at the turn of the...
This article focuses on the early philosophy of Rudolf Steiner (1880-1900). Steiner's early thought ...
L’originalité de la pensée de Rudolf Steiner, née dans la mouvance de la société théosophique est d’...
Why did Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), a Goethe scholar and a doctor of philosophy, became initiated in...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) foi um filósofo, jornalista e educador. Atualmente seu nome está associad...
Namen diplomske naloge je bil prikazati, kakšen pomen imajo prevodi knjižnih del utemeljitelja moder...
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá filosofickým dílem rakouského myslitele Rudolfa Steinera (1861-...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest życie i dzieło Rudolfa Steinera austriackiego filozofa, reformatora społec...
66 s. +CD ROMTato práce se zabývá fenoménem duchovní vědy neboli anthroposofie, jejímž zakladatelem ...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) did not put himself forward as the teacher of any new religion or sect. ...
Accès au texte intégral réservé aux membres de l’université de LorraineThe originality of Rudolf Ste...
The present work deals with the life of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner and his childish que...
The work of the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) influenced a number of fields in Ger...
The thesis tackles the issue of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophic thought system in the context of Chr...
The aim of this article is to clarify what Rudolf Steiner’s followers thought of him at the time of ...
International audienceThe Theosophical Society, founded in New York in 1875, was, at the turn of the...
This article focuses on the early philosophy of Rudolf Steiner (1880-1900). Steiner's early thought ...
L’originalité de la pensée de Rudolf Steiner, née dans la mouvance de la société théosophique est d’...
Why did Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), a Goethe scholar and a doctor of philosophy, became initiated in...
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) foi um filósofo, jornalista e educador. Atualmente seu nome está associad...